Friday, April 03, 2009

Ski Guru

Still looking good!

Ski Guru

Look at me go, seem to be getting my edges in, could do with getting my weight forward though!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Boys

Last Saturday, what a hot ski, so sunny that day. Tom, Ak & Me, great day.

Jumper Boy

On my way out for a quick mornings skiing. Not the sunniest day of the season, but good skiing none the less.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Back Door

This is the view from my door, beautiful isn't it. It gets a lot deeper than this as well.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Thats my bloody hat! I wondered where that went to!

Dao, M&D

Bangkok airport, a few years ago now, just coming in I think.


This is a friend of mine called Dao, top girl, should have married her most probably. Still, she's a bird, and would have driven me mad! 

"Its not mine!"

I was just trying it out, not for me! The kid's obviously scared for life! Yeah, definitely not for me!

"Swisher Man"

Good advert here! My Dad on the golf course, on a great course actually, black mountain. I most probably kicked his arse on that day!

Jase & Nic

Colourful shirt! This was on the night of my 40th, with a good friend of mine, Nicole, from Hong Kong. This was taken early on in the proceedings, things got very messy!

Friday, January 04, 2008

These limestone rocks are all around Thailand and this one is right at the end of Kho Phi Phi. Scott, some of you might know him, but he went on this cliff diving afternoon when we were last there, and he jumped from this one, I shit you not.


I came across this sign whilst in the karaoke bar, and I'm sooooooooo glad I read it before entering!

Guru & the Cadie

This is my cadie, can't remember what her name is, but she puts up with all my tantrums, and still carry's my bag. This is on one of my favourite courses, Black Mountain.

"The White Shark"

I'm really into my golf these days, hard to believe I know! Well, your not going to believe this either, but I always used to get a buggy when I play, but not anymore, I walk now, honest!


There's this bar, isn't that how most of my stories begin!!! Honest, there's this bar in Bangkok that I hang out in regularly, along Soi Cowboy, where I can just sit and watch the world go by, or watch the footie if its the weekend. Its called Sam 2000, and this is Sam, again taken on one of my many nights out.


This is a good buddy of mine, Justin, who lived for many years in Hong Kong. He now lives in Bangkok with his family. The picture was taken on my last night out in Bangkok sometime towards the end of November, this year (2008). If you want to know what happend I'll be only to happy to explain.

Happy Boy

These two lovely girls, Fon & Khan, work in one of my many local haunts during the day, a bar I hasten to add! My Mum & Dad love them and would love me to marry one of them, they don't care which!

Karaoke Boys

Look at us go, me and Scott at a karaoke night in my home town of Hua Hin. I don't know what makes us go really, I wouldn't dream of it when I'm in France. It has to have something to do with the amount of alcohol in our system!


Scott & Vik on a night out with Thomas at Natbar, which he owns. They look so happy!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Little Cuz

This is my little cuz, what a princess. She's just moved, with her parents, out of the UK to Vermont in the US. They just bought a lodge, great little place. Go take a look -


This is the little taxi I catch between Bangkok and Hua Hin. It doesn't fly very high so the views are great.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Me Skiing

For those of you that don't believe that I ever actually go out on a pair of skis, this is the proof, yeah baby, in your face! I think it was quite recent as well, like this season, 2007. So I can ski, so there!

My Mum & Dad

A picture of the folks at a recent bash, they've still got it...........................whatever it is!!!


This Benny wannabe is John, he's a chef, and a remarkably good one at that, who works in Megeve, spends all year there as well. Well done that man, I'd go insane staying there all year round. Aah, that actually answers some questions! Good on ya mate.

Holly & Jase

Yeah, whatever!!!


My new bar, in Tarifa, mine, all mine!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wakey Wakey

What a lovely picture, looks as though we've just had a fight or we've just woken up. Don't think it's either, just both having bad hair days.


A crowded night in, guess where, yeah, the Wake Up. Me and Scotty there in the foreground. Can you see my tonsils OK, great.

UJ & the SY Girls

Aaah, the girls enjoying a hug from Uncle John, doesn't he look happy. Well he should, its the girls that keep his pace maker going, if you know what I mean!

Tarifa Boys.

Wow, this picture wasn't taken in the Wake Up, my god, it was taken in Tarifa, in my friend Danielle's bar, Bossa.

Sylvana Crew

These fuys ran one of my chalets in Megeve this season, believe it or not. Left to right, Julian, Ellen, Tommy, Holly & Steve. Done me proud, especially the girls, they'd be welcome back anytime, honest, I'm not joking! I would, however, like to apologise to anyone that knew or met them, sorry, hope you book with us again!

Hands Free

Mmmmmmh, think someone's just surprised me, looks like that someone put their hand somewhere they shouldn't! Enquiring minds!

Shark Bait

This is one I caught earlier, with own my bare hands, I shit you not! Stuck it on the barbie that very evening, had it with chips!

Brothers in Arms

Its Lou & Andy. Your never gonna believe where we are? Yeah, the Wake Up, you guessed it!

Green Eyed Monster

Yeah baby, totally wired or what. I think I'm just about to change into that hulk bloke.

The Girls

These were 3 of our chalet girls for this season, 2007, all game on as you can see, and not camera shy!

Jase & Caz

This was my Admin girl for this season, couldn't have got through without her, cheers sweetheart.

Jase & Beth

Another night in the Wake Up. There seems to be a lot of pictures from there! It is the closest boozer to my place though, all I need to do is jump over the wall.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Danielle, seen here deep in thought, about me probably, owns a lovely little bar in Tariffa. Everyone should go for a visit, the walled old city is fantastic.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Delphine & Elodie

Look what santa brought me. How much fun, well, let me tell ya....................

Jase & Doume

Imagine my luck, on christmas eve I ran into santa, doing his rounds...........and rounds.............and rounds....................and,.........oh, you know how it goes!

Tom and the Captain

Amazingly, during the night, two of our chefs were possessed by evil spirits, commonly known to us as Gin & Vodka! Oh my god, are any of us safe, probably not.

The 3 (un)Wise Men

Another night in Crawfords, one of my evening haunts. As you can see, Mark & Dave have been joined by their witch doctor, long live Wige! I think they've been cured!

Thip & Me

This is a friend of mine called Thip, pronounced Tip. Her and her sister run a bar in Hua Hin, not too far from where I live. I prefer to spend evenings with them rather that keep my fat arse stuck at home!

Dave, with wife No 4!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! It could be love! Whilst sitting in one of my many locals one evening, with this repribate, one of our other local residents flew in for a swift half. Not too sure which looks the scariest really, I'm sure the mantis is shitting itself! Sorry Dave.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Is She or Isn't She!

Well, it could be true love, Scott certainly looks happy. I can't even remember where or when this was taken, we both must have been blasted. I'm pretty sure it was a good evening though.

Graduation Day

This is my friend Scott on his graduation day, not too sure what he graduated in though!

Lou & Andy

Lou & Andy decide to enjoy the sun, and go visit King Rama V summer palace. Don't they look happy!


This was my friend Scott's last night out in HH, he's pictured 1st from left. His old man, Grahame, is next followed by Dave and then widge, all of whom are long time residents. The pub is Crawfords, an authentic Irish bar. By the way, Dave's not a midget, he just fell of his stool just before the picture was taken and didn't make it back in time!